Would it be helpful for this concept to have a more unique term to separate it from the storm of AI X (X being any item, e.g. AI refrigerators)? For example, would this concept be more easily communicated with a term such as an “orchestrated operating system” meaning an operating system that is orchestrated by some form of artificial intelligence?

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My hope is that AI OS is already unique enough vs. other AI X concepts. Very interested in your argument against this though. My worry about using e.g. 'orchestrated operating system' is that it doesn't have AI in the name - even if the definition means 'orchestrated by AI' as you suggest. I do like using 'orchestrated' though! I'd also admit that I don't think the term 'AI' is very precise (hence the footnote) - a tension there between trying to speak plainly and trying to be precise.

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My mistake, by “unique” I meant not broad of a term, as in unique in concept. AI is itself broad as it can mean a digital personal assistant or even just the artificial intelligence of a calculator or a recommendation algorithm. I think creating a more specific term may help your argument by saying something like this using orchestrated operating system as an example: Orchestrated operating systems utilize AI technologies to mitigate the invasiveness of online advertising. This would convey to me there is a new concept, a new generation operating system, that utilizes AI and its umbrella of technologies to reach a goal that a traditional operating system does not. My main point was to try to cut through the broadness of the term and give it more precision.

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